


Like many online students, it did take some time for me to adjust to a new style of learning. 以下是我一路走来学到的一些经验教训.

在线 education can be a great option for students who have a busy lifestyle. I started taking online courses at Herzing大学 during the second semester of my 企业管理课程我真的很喜欢它提供的灵活性.

Like many online students, it did take some time for me to adjust to a new style of learning. 以下是我一路走来学到的一些经验教训:

1. 时间管理就是一切

Having the flexibility to learn on your own schedule is a great benefit of online classes, 但它也使人坚强 时间管理技能 更重要的是. 在任务上拖延很容易, so you need to have a system in place to hold yourself accountable. Consider setting aside a block of time each day to focus on your coursework.

我也建议你使用计划表 时间管理应用 跟踪你所有的任务和截止日期. I’ve learned that I’m most successful when I plan ahead; I often start on assignments ahead of time 和 complete them before the assigned due date.

2. 是时候整理一下了

Some people like to print out all of their class materials 和 keep separate folders for each course. Others like to have everything on their 电脑 or laptop so they can access it from anywhere. 不管你喜欢什么, 建立一个系统,这样你就知道你所有的笔记放在哪里了, 阅读和学习材料是在你需要的时候. 保持组织 will ensure that you don’t miss any important deadlines or assignments.

3. 在线课程和校园课程一样严格

Some people think that online courses are easier than traditional classroom learning. 不相信这个神话! 你也可以从你的 在线教育 就像你在校园里一样. 决定哪种学习环境适合你, 然而, 这取决于你的生活状况和学习方式.

We all prefer to learn in different ways 和 online classes are not for everyone. I find that the flexibility of online classes works well for me 和 allows me to be more 富有成效的 用我的时间.

4. 你需要一台电脑

If you are going to enroll in an online program, you will need access to a desktop 电脑 或者笔记本电脑. While you can use a mobile device or a tablet when you’re on the go, 你不应该依赖这些作为你的主要设备. I’ve had trouble using my tablet in the past because not all pages are designed for mobile access.

如果你不确定你有正确的设备, 你可以向你的教授或信息技术部门查询. It’s also a good idea to a have a backup plan in case you are have technical issues. 例如,你可以在家里用电脑 图书馆.

5. 努力与你的导师建立联系

It’s important to establish a relationship with your instructors. I’ve found that I am more eng年龄d 和 successful in class when I participate 和 ask questions. 也, remember that you can always reach out to your instructors via email or phone if you are having trouble in a course or need some extra help on an assignment. Just because you are not in a classroom does not mean you are not supported.

6. 了解你的同学

Interacting with your classmates makes learning more fun 和 helps you feel like you’re a part of a 大学社区. 赫兹的在线学习平台, Canvas, makes it very easy for online students to get to know each other. We often talk via the messaging function 和 eng年龄 in thoughtful conversations through our weekly discussion boards.

社交媒体 is also a great place to share insights or trade study tips. Ask your classmates if they have a 脸谱网 or WhatsApp group where they communicate outside of class. 如果没有,那就带头创造一个.

7. 充分利用你的经验

在线学习对我的日程安排很有帮助, but sometimes I miss having the company of others while I’m doing my homework or studying for an exam. 我通过去当地的图书馆来保持新鲜, 咖啡店, or a friend’s house – anywhere where I can get WiFi 和 get my work done. The best thing about online learning is that you can do whatever works best for you! 尽你所能地从中获得乐趣.

If you’re looking for a little more flexibility in your education, I highly recommend online courses. 可能需要一段时间来适应, 但如果你保持专注, use your time wisely 和 work on building relationships with your professors 和 your peers, 你会成功的. These tips have helped me have a positive experience with online classes, 我希望他们也会这样对待你. 祝你好运!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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